Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems has been described as a profound, enjoyable programme that nourishes, balances, and energises, the subtle physiology. People report wide-ranging benefits to bodyand mind. Developed under Maharishi’s guidance, it combines the ancient Ayurvedic knowledge about gemstones with modern technology. It is complementary to all of Maharishi’s programmes.
Awakening the Body’s Inner Intelligence Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems utilises specially made “gem beamers” or “gem light projectors”, to harness by means of light, the orderly and nourishing qualities of precious gems. The frequencies and information carried by the light resonate with and awaken the natural order and intelligence inherent within the physiology. This triggers self-healing processes, balancing and purifying the subtle levels of the body. It is a very pleasant and gentle process.
The many reported benefits include
- increased well-being,
- improved health,
- greater integration and strength,
- and more energy.
Following recommendation by doctors, several Swiss health insurance companies have covered its medical application by up to 80%. There are also many experiences of more refined perception and higher states of consciousness.
The Beauty of Gemstones
Pure gemstones have a brilliance, and a perfect symmetry, that reflect the underlying
orderliness of their molecular structure. They are minerals in crystalline
form, made of one or more of the 108 basic chemical elements—the building blocks of all matter.
Gems are the most orderly structures in material creation and they belong to one of seven possible crystal systems. The trace elements they contain give rise to their rich and vibrant colours. In their purest forms gems are beautiful, radiant, and perfect expressions of cosmic creative intelligence. Gemstones and the Human Physiology
From Maharishi Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) we know that gemstones are associated with the different grahas or planets, which influence all aspects of our life, including our physiology. Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, in his brilliant research on Veda in the human physiology has also recently discovered that the major elements of the brain and physiology have cosmic counterparts
in specific planets and stars –and are even identical in structure and function. This accords
with the ancient texts of Ayurveda, which describe the beneficial qualities of the various gemstones for the physiology.

The Nourishing Power of Light
Light is essential for life on Earth. Scientists tell us that light, in the form of ‘biophotons’, influences our physiology on many levels, including the endocrine system, the cells, and the DNA. We know that light is important for the creation and absorption of vitamins, for the production and regulation of certain hormones, and for helping to maintain the natural rhythms
In Maharaja’s book it is explained how gems are related to different aspects of the physiology of the body. It is also important for our mental well-being. How the light effects us depends upon various factors including its intensity, its coherence, or orderliness, and its colour or natural frequencies. During Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems the light from the gems is found to be especially enjoyable and nourishing.
Profound benefits reported include:
– improved health,
– increased well-being and energy,
– better sleep,
– relief from pain and stiffness,
– relief from chronic conditions,
– increased strength and invincibility,
– more happiness,
– greater mental clarity,
– freedom from grief and emotional traumas,
– improved relationships,
– and more nature support.

There are also experiences of more refined perception and
higher states of consciousness. Here are some typical experiences during the Treatment:
It was like bathing in light – my body felt profoundly nourished.
‘It was deeply relaxing and energising’
‘‘I was so warm and comfortable, my body was tingling, and I felt surrounded by a protective blanket of wholeness, of total invincibility.’
‘It was subtle and blissful. I felt increased orderliness within, as if major physical elements were being very gently, but exactly and sequentially realigned.’
‘I was increasingly aware of light, and then I experienced ‘I am the light’. Then I observed
different tones or colours smoothly moving and flowing in a sea of light. It was totally fluid – a
very strong and gentle energy – I felt that anything could be healed in that state’
‘Worries disappeared. I was dipping in and out of pure silence. My entire being was filled with a sensation of pure uncontaminated pleasure and happiness. I experienced fullness, safety, security and an all-embracing love’
‘It was like being looked after by a host of angels’
‘I experienced deepening bliss, waves of light, and transcendence. I felt gradually increasing warmth healing my digestion, back, shoulders and neck, and between my shoulder blades. This continued all day.’
‘A heavenly experience. I wanted more’
‘I was filled with vitality, in contact with a reservoir of infinite energy within, an infinite power source.’
‘There has been increasing bliss and a deep sense of peace since the treatments.’
‘I have felt physically stronger, more coordinated, and more invincible.’
‘My back and neck are now stronger and more flexible – a problem area since childhood. My digestion is also improving. Three months later I am still more flexible and am experiencing greater support of Nature.’
‘For several years my right knee was paining me. Now it feels as good as new’
‘I am now more integrated and less vulnerable to outside influences. Meditation is smooth, my sleep has improved, and I have deeper silence during activity. I have also noticed improved posture and body awareness.’
For further details or to book an appointment please contact us